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Gate Security Update
Published: January 08, 2025
Our access gates are working better than they ever have. The access system uses fiber optic connections to the internet instead of the old cell phone signals which were erratic and not dependable. The new access system also uses different software to make the gates work. This has caused us to have to set up all the existing card numbers, property owners and their permissions in the new database.
In the transition from the old system to our new system, some of the access cards access to the RV Storage area were lost in the conversion. The management company is trying to update the database as we want property owners’ stored items to be secure. We are correcting this as fast as we possibly can.
In connection with updating this database, we have requested that you let us know what property you have stored in the area and where it is located. We would like to have this done by January 15th so that we can remove this access from the cards that should not have it. For your security we would like to limit the people who have access to the storage area to those that have property stored there. (Refer to the letter posted on the website on December 26, 2024 -
If you cannot get into a gate, it is probably because of your access card not working or the permissions that have been granted to your card. If you need to get into the storage area or any gate, and your card does not work, call the Management Company and we will get you in and get your access card and its permissions fixed or replaced.
Anna Baker (817)559-7524
Steve Baker (817)559-0476
Mountain Lakes Ranch POA